Market Review and Research
All organisations have to compete with other companies as products and/or services frequently overlap. Reducing the costs of products or services are usually the first option but it is not sustainable. For market sector growth your organisation needs a niche. The only way to establish that niche area is through rigorous research of your target market and industry sector to find areas where needs are not being fulfilled. Let me help you find these unique gaps so that your business can expand.
Learning and Development
Training is always needed in an organisation, but finding effective trainers can be difficult. As a veteran certified trainer with more than 15 years of experience I can assist you in providing in-house training and development in any of these topics:
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Effective communication
- Brand management
- Creativity
Instructional Design
Our CEO, Dr Stephan Cloete, is a veteran in multimedia and instructional design. North-West University awarded him a commendation for innovation in the instructional design and teaching in 2023. He has developed many courses across many fields of study and has supervised many post-graduate candidates into completing complex research papers. Additionally, he has learned many tricks when it comes to the production of instructional materials and has compiled manuals, infographics, study guides, Powerpoint slides, instructional videos, and even an interactive computer game. He can assist you by making the most complex subject matter easy to understand in follow. We have assisted lawyers, engineers, accountants, and pharmacists, to name but a few industries.
Dr Cloete has received much training over the years in mentorship. Mentorship helps new and even veteran employees grow in their careers. We offer mentorship training to organisations who have a need for in-house mentors who in turn train new employees.
In addition, we also offer mentorship for new business owners who need guidance in their new ventures. We help them to focus and keep track of key performance indicators so that they can achieve their goals. According to various research statistics from around the world, approximately 20-35% of small businesses fail within the first two years, while 45-50% fail within five years, and only roughly 30% last ten years or more. There are numerous reasons for failure; including poor research, marketing, management, as well as a lack of funds and adaptability. Sometimes great ideas and the people behind them need a third party to steer and mentor them to minimize mistakes.
Conflict is prevalent within many organisations. It causes stress and hinders organisational growth. Some of the best ideas frequently come from those within an organisation, but they are seldom heard. In other instances there are so many vocally strong employees that they drown each other out. Facilitating meetings via a third party is a good option to enable healthy conversations in the workplace so that everyone is heard and positive organisational growth occurs.